Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Farm Town Tips in Facebook (2)

...Farm Town Tips continued back to first tips

Another important thing in Farm Town is the neighbour you have. When none of your neighbour is online to harvest for you, go to Market Place and make new friends. Add them to your Farm Town buddy list first before you hire them to work for you. Instead of just hiring someone to harvest for you, try to make a trade. Offer them to work for you, with the condition to get them hire you to work for them also. Harvesting other farm could earn a lot, you will never know. When I met someone friendly in Farm Town (after chatting with them on Farm Town live chat) I will try to add them to my Facebook under separate list so that it will not mix with my friends in Facebook. Once they become my neighbour in Farm Town, I can visit their farm everyday and work for them (this will earn a lot of experience point). Also, I can easily check out if their farm is ready to harvest, and then get them to hire me, this will earn a lot of coins especially if their farm is big.

There is one thing you need to control in Farm Town, which is the coin. DON’T OVER SPENT IT. Make sure you have enough of coins to expand your farm when you are qualified (first upgrade is $20,000 for size 14x14 when you reached level 15). Sometimes you might have enough coins, but not enough Farm Town experience point to upgrade. At this point you might want to make some purchase from the store. Buying some expensive things will earn you Farm Town experience points. However, some expensive stuff might give you same Farm Town experience points as those cheap stuffs. So what I bought most was the Hay Bale. Hay bale cost 50 coins and gives you 5 Farm Town experience points, compare to Fence which cost 250 coins and gives you 6 Farm Town experience points. (Simple maths rite?) Some more Hay Bale can be used to feed the animal, that’s what Farm Town administrator said. :) However, if you really have a lot of coins and need a lot of Farm Town experience point, then you might want to consider buying some expensive stuff like Silo that cost 30,000 coins and gives you 302 Farm Town experience points. Upgrade your farm size as soon as possible, because the ROI rate is very high. :)

During the beginning, if you have the time, login to Farm Town twice a day. Before starts, send some gift (preferably trees) to your friends. Send to those who are playing Farm Town (known as farmer friends) so that they will send you back also. When you are in Farm Town, visit all your neighbours and work for them. There is a message like ‘so and so is away, would you like to water his plant for him?’. This work will help you earn Farm Town experience points. After that, do other things you like, like decorating your farm, plowing and seeding or maybe go to Market Place to meet more friends. Very soon, you will be very rich in Farm Town. By that time, you can buy anything you want in Farm Town and decorate it anyhow you like.

Well, all these are just base on my personal preference and experience. There might be better solution out there. Anyway, HAPPY FARMING IN FARM TOWN! Hope everyone enjoy, coz that’s the most important thing in life. :)

back to first tips


  1. I'm new to farmtown, I believe this would be useful for me. thanks!

  2. how long do you have to harvest a crop when it is ready?

  3. Refer to my earlier blog "farm town facts and figures" (
    Different crops take different amount of time to be ready to harvest. When you purchase the seeds, take note of the "harvest in: XX days" value. It shows you how long it takes to have a crop ready to be harvest, in farm town time. Refer to my blog also if you need to know how to calculate farm town time and real world time.

  4. As stated in "facts and figures", crops will gone wasted in about the same time it takes to get ready for harvest. However, recently i noticed that my crops are not going wasted anyhow. Will ocntinue to observe this and let you all know. Thanks for commenting


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