Friday, June 5, 2009

Farm Town Facts and Figures (1)

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1 Day in Farm Town = 20 hours

Farm Town Crops

Farm Town Time
4 hours crop: grapes
1 day crop: potato, strawberry, watermelon, cabbage
2 days crop: rice, tomato, wheat, peas
3 days crop: sunflower, coffee, corn, onions
4 days crop: pumpkin

Since 1 Day in Farm Town = 20 hours in reality, grapes will take (4X20)/24 = 3.33 hours.
Potato takes only 20 hours in reality, instead of 24 hours, and 10% = 2 hours
With this calculation in mind, you would roughly know when your crops are ready for harvest. This is important especially during initial stage because every minute counts

Do take note, the crops will gone wasted if you do not harvest it in times. Time taken until it gone harvest would be ABOUT equivalent to the time taken for it to be ready for harvest. For e.g. potato takes on day to be ready for harvest, and after one day, if you do not harvest it on the second day, it will gone wasted.

Farm Town Coins

Crops Costs Harvest Value
grapes 20 56
potato 40 99
strawberry 30 85
watermelon 35 92
cabbage 45 107
coffee 150 298
onions 170 338
sunflower 115 277
corn 130 285
pumpkin 200 396

ROI (Return On Investment) in Farm Town is simply divide Harvest Value with the Cost.

For e.g. ROI for grape is 2.8 and potato is 2.48.

But bare in mind, cost of plowing (20 coins) and time take to grow both should be taken into consideration. This made ROI for grape become 1.4 and potato become 1.65.

See the difference? ROI for grape is higher compare to potato BEFORE cost of plowing comes into picture. Many people didn’t consider the cost of plowing when buying seeds, and hence ‘invest’ in the wrong seeds, because the higher the cost, the greater the difference.

However, as mentioned before, time taken to grow also should be taken into consideration. Although grape has lower ROI, but it only takes 3.33 hours to harvest. In other words, you can plant grape for about 7 times in a day, but only 1 time in a day for potato.

If you have the time to sit in front of your computer and do farming the whole day, grape will definitely give you higher return although the ROI is lower.

So, if you are serious in this game and want to earn more, be serious when you buy seeds. Don’t simply buy seeds just because it looks pretty. Before choosing the seeds, consider how much coins you have, how much you want in return, and when can you login back to harvest. Sometimes I just spend most of the coins plowing and not enough coins to buy seeds, so don’t make this same mistake also.

More facts and figure coming up, hope you will find it useful. Please let me know if any other info needed, or queries on Farm Town, I would be happy to help.

Happy Farming in Farm Town!

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  1. Farm Town not accessible, is that true??!!??

  2. The server was having some problem with the application and hence temporarily remove it. However, I've checked last night and everything back to normal. Happy Farming AGAIN~~!!


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